Every single team in the playoffs lost this past week. In one big swoop, fall season is now over, except for football with the stupid new playoff format. Football will continue to play consolation games until the Thanksgiving matchup against Weston.
Boys soccer had the most heartbreaking loss of them all. They lost to Weston in overtime. It was an absolutely brutal way to end a season.
Football was stuck in a tough matchup with Arlington. The score was tied 0-0 at halftime, but Arlington pulled away in the second half en route to a 14-7 win.
Field Hockey also lost a tough one to Swampscott 1-0. The defense played well but the offense couldn’t put any balls in the net. Swampscott is a very good team. They are currently 11-4-2 for the year.
Even though most teams are out of the playoffs, some cross country runners have Sectionals to look forward to this week.
It was still a great season to all who played!
Now for the good news:
Crowds gathered on Boylston Street this past Saturday for the first time since the marathon bombings. The Red Sox had a parade to celebrate their World Series championship. Boston is a title town. I am living in a lucky generation. I have seen both the Patriots and Red Sox win three times and the Bruins and the Celtics each win once. But this Red Sox championship means more than the other ones.
This is my team. This was the team that I spent my whole summer with. I went to over 25 games and watched the rest on TV. I rarely missed one, and if I did, I would be on my phone constantly getting updates. I would go to Fenway early and leave late. There were some weeks where I would spend almost the same amount of time in Fenway that I did at my house. I felt like a part of this team.
I’m not a fair-weather third grader who didn’t understand the 86 year old curse that the Sox broke in 2004 anymore. I am a full fledged diehard. As an 18 year old, this year will always be remembered. There were so many memorable moments that happened. It truly was special to me. I am going to miss the 2013 Red Sox.
I also understand what this team means to this city. These Boston Red Sox fully embody the term “Boston Strong.” In fact, it was third baseman Will Middlebrooks who created that very term.
One year ago the Red Sox had released two new slogans: What’s broken can be fixed and 162 chances to restore the faith. I was laughing at the Red Sox. They were the joke of Boston. They were going to be terrible. Now they are the heroes. They are Boston Strong.
The Truth • Nov 12, 2013 at 9:27 PM
Again, more than two thirds of warrior weekly is about professional sports, FOCUS ON WAYLAND