Seniors prepare for college sports

"I’m really excited for the different level of competition," Darby Leid said. "I’m also really excited to be part of the team at Union."

Credit: Isabel Gitten

“I’m really excited for the different level of competition,” Darby Leid said. “I’m also really excited to be part of the team at Union.”

Many high school athletes aspire to play their sport in college. However, it takes a lot of hard work and talent to pursue a sport at the collegiate level. Seniors Darby Leid, Kyra Patterson, Zack Dresens and Sean Devlin are some of the Wayland High School student-athletes who plan to play a sport next year.

Leid is playing basketball next year at Union College. To prepare for her upcoming season at the college level, Leid plans to lift weights this summer to get ready for the physical style of play.

“[The Union basketball program] is having us do a lot more shooting and catching the ball and spinning and back to get our footwork right since the game is a lot faster paced,” Leid said. “They want to make sure we have the basic skills down, so in games, we are ready to go.”

Patterson plans on rowing at Boston University. She has had opportunities to meet some of the other recruits which has helped her get a feel for the program.

“I’ll be rowing over the summer just so I don’t lose any fitness or my rowing technique so that I can go into the fall season,” Patterson said. “I’ve also been able to meet up with a few of the girls that will be on the team next year, and I’m really excited about getting to know them.”

This coming fall, Dresens will attempt to walk onto the soccer team at Tufts University. Dresens has also had the opportunity to practice with the teams a few times this spring.

“So this year, there’s a pre-preseason session before the preseason that will be in mid August, and I’ll spend about 2-3 weeks with the team before the season actually starts. If I perform well enough, I’ll be on the team,” Dresens said.

Credit: Remmi Shaw
Pictured above is Zack Dresens. He will attempt to walk on to the Tufts University soccer team.

This winter, Devlin will be swimming at Georgetown University. Although being a college athlete takes a lot of work, Devlin is excited to be a part of the swimming community at Georgetown.

“It’s definitely going to be a lot of work, balancing my education and being a Division I athlete is a big balance that I have to work on,” Devlin said.

The transition from the high school level to the college level athletes will have a big impact on each athlete’s training and commitment, for to play at this level they are given workouts and training from coaches.

“There’s just a lot more breaking down fundamentals,” Leid said.

Through hard work and dedication, the college-bound athletes have made great commitments to their sports to reach their ultimate goal: playing in college.

“I didn’t really know whether I wanted to swim or play football in college, but I ended up deciding on swimming and I’m happy about that,” Devlin said.

Leid knew from a young age that basketball was her ultimate destiny.

Credit: Nicholas Orlov
Pictured above is Kyra Patterson. She will be on the crew team at Boston University.

“I’ve been playing basketball since third grade, [and] it’s always been my goal to play in college,” Leid said. “I’m definitely really excited about that. In terms of [playing] after college, I think I’d like to coach somewhere.”

The athletes are looking forward to playing the sport they love in college and being able to be a part of a higher level of competition.

“I’m really excited about being able to row on the Charles [River],” Patterson said. “A lot of former Olympians train on the Charles, and it’s gonna be really cool to be able to train right beside them.”

In order to make the Tufts team, Dresens said he needs to showcase his skills by playing with courage.

I think once I get to preseason I’ll definitely have what it takes to make the team,” Dresens said. “It’s just a matter of whether I’m confident enough to display those skills.”