I’d like to start my blog this week with a big congratulations for Wayland runner freshman Sarah Tully. Sarah finished 14 out of 180 in the Division II All States this Saturday. What a huge accomplishment. Nice job Sarah!
Now, we are officially closing in on the final week of fall sports. All that is left are the Thanksgiving day and powderpuff games.
Recently there has been debate over these powderpuff games. Many people believe that they are sexist. This year Newton South canceled their game all together.
“The name ‘powderpuff,’ which most students still call the game, inadvertently serves to mock the hard-fought struggles of female athletes to be taken seriously and, we think, perpetuates negative stereotypes about femininity and female athletes,” Newton South Principal Joel Stembridge wrote in a letter to parents.
Is he serious? Is this debate really happening? Girls want to play in this game. They look forward to this game. So how is this mocking the players? If guys can play football, then why can’t girls? Isn’t that sexist? I’m not sure why this is happening and I hope this type of decision won’t be made in Wayland. It would be a crime to cancel Powderpuff.
As far as the Thanksgiving day game, I hope that tradition stays for a long time as well. Football and Thanksgiving go together like Mario and Luigi, like Jerry and George, like Red Sox and beards. Senior Robert Williams in his last game will only need 320 yards to break the Warriors single season rushing record. Let’s hope Robert can lead the Warriors to a win.
As far as professional sports, there isn’t really anything going on. Hopefully the Celtics keep losing. To me, rooting against my home team can be really tough. But I’ve got to do it. Just for one year. The faith is in your hands Danny Ainge.
max wong • Nov 19, 2013 at 1:08 PM
you tell em' harry!