Students share their favorite ways to study for midterms

Masha Yakhkind and Lilly Stoller

What is your favorite way to study for midterms?

Nia Greenidge, Senior

“I study by taking all of my papers from past test and quizzes and going over all of them. I personally like to study in my room.”


Conor Keating, Senior

“If it is a hard subject I go to the library and try to find as many smart people as I can. Otherwise, review packets all way. English you can’t really study, sort of have to wing it.”


Abby Blumenfeld, Senior

“Typically what I do is start studying two or three days before the midterm and then I study one subject at a time at night. Then I say at 8:00 I will study then I do for about an hour straight. I’ll study for an hour, hour and a half. Then I will take a break, then study again. I like to study in my room.”


Yaniv Goren, Senior

“I don’t really study. I sit down and look at my notes. I study in my room because it is the most quiet and comfortable place in my house.


Gabi Smith, Senior

“Usually I start by organizing my notes, so when I start studying it is a little bit easier to find papers from certain units. Then, if teachers give out review packets I will complete those. I like to go over old tests because a lot of times teachers reuse questions. I like to study at my house, but occasionally I will go to the library if I want to study with friends.”


Annie Clark, Junior

“I study by going over my notes and doing things with study groups at the library.”


Fatma Sayeh, Sophomore

“I do my study guide packet and then I go over it again the night before.”


Hailey Rice, Junior

“I usually just go over my past tests because I know that many of my teachers recycle the questions for the midterm. I look over those, and then if I get a study guide, I’ll complete and go over that. After that, I go to the library to ask my friends questions if I don’t understand something.”


Noelle Mcgah, Junior

“I usually go over quizzes and tests and do the study guides. If I have questions, I’ll go to the teacher for some extra help.”


Anitta Thomas, Senior

“All the seniors go to the library and eat a ton of junk food, sometimes we bring a pint of blueberries too. So we basically eat, talk, and don’t really study.”


Jack Dretler, Junior

“I go to the library, relax with friends and just try to get some studying done.”


Ally Goldin, Junior

“I go to the library, eat pizza and I facetime my friends when I have help or certain problems.”